What’s in store for 2025
Queer Beta is Becoming a Part of OutClimb Again!
Queer Beta was started in 2019 to support queer climbers at Vertical Endeavors and eventually the Minnesota Climbing Cooperative as well.
Now that we have better support structures, we are combining resources to better serve queer climbers in Minnesota.
We will meet at new gyms and locations, including Vertical Endeavors Bloomington and the Minnesota Climbing Cooperative!
We can also combine resources like our website, Instagram, and Discord server.
Learning Opportunities
We are doing our Beginner Ice Climbing clinic again at the Sandstone Ice Festival.
Looking into partnerships with new and returning organizations.
Our leadership is continuing to learn skills and working on providing better and more effective learning opportunities for the queer climbing community!
OutClimb is Becoming a Non-Profit
Becoming a non-profit will allow us to seek funding to help our goal of increasing queer representation in climbing.
The funding will let us make our events more accessible to climbers by purchasing gear to lend, paying for discounts for day passes, protecting our volunteers with liability insurance, and fund making existing events better than ever!
On top of all these new things, we will continue to host meetups both indoors and outdoors, mentoring and other learning opportunities, and work to make queer climbers more comfortable climbing while both in and outside of affinity group spaces. Thank you all for your support. Be gay, go climb!